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The common raw materials for bio-coal briquetting

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Biomass materials, particularly agricultural waste, seems to be one of the most promising energy resources for developing countries, because of the depletion and the high cost of fossil fuels. The idea of utilizing the residues from agricultural sectors as primary or secondary energy resources is considerably attractive. This kind of waste is available as free, indigenous and environmentally friendly energy sources.
Corn cob is utilized as the major ingredient for making bio-coal briquettes. The corn cob is treated with sodium hydroxide solution before being mixed with coal fines. Another biomass used for briquetting is rice straw. Rice straws are cheap materials and are very easy to find. Rice straws, however, have a low calorific value.
Finally, the relationship between biomass and coal ratio, briquetting pressure and bio-coal briquettes density is developed and validated using regression technique.

coal briquette machine